Hamilton & Niagara

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This was an incredible transformation!! The owner of this two bedroom condominium near Yonge and Finch in Toronto had just evicted her tenant. The tenant had not paid rent for months and during that time had made quite a mess that some in our cleaning industry would call hoarding. The owner realized significant restoration would be necessary. However, the restoration company would not enter the premises until it had been emptied and fully deep cleaned.

We got this job clean out done in ONE day!! We removed all of the contents, removed carpeting where necessary, and even removed one of the toilets. At the end of the day, the restoration contractor was more than satisfied, and the “road to recovery” for this unit began two days later. 

It was a pleasure to reassure this client that we could get this job done in a timely manner (despite a tight time frame) and then follow through to their complete satisfaction and relief! 

If you have a hoarding situation or a property that needs extreme cleaning please Contact Us HERE